John Kampfner: Evidence to the BBC Radio 4 PM Privacy Commission
John Kampfner: Evidence to the BBC Radio 4 PM Privacy Commission
27 Jun 11

BBC Radio 4’s PM programme is currently holding a “privacy commission”, chaired by Sir Michael Lyons, Lord Faulks and Baroness Liddell, examining where the balance lies between an individual’s right to privacy and the public’s right to know.

John Kampfner, Index on Censorship chief executive, appeared before the commission on Wednesday 22 June 2011. While the Article 8 right to privacy was very important, he argued, he would “rather err on the side of a media that is a little bit overly troublesome than one that is pliant”.

The audio and full transcript can be found at this link.

Other witnesses to the PM Privacy Commission include: Hugh Tomlinson QC; Zac Goldsmith MP; Max Mosley; Stephen Abell; Hugh Grant; Sir Charles Gray; Alan Rusbridger; Helen Wood; Max Clifford; Marcus Partington; Christopher Graham and Louise Mensch.