Davies, the investigative reporter who unveiled the extent of the phone-hacking scandal, discussed his new book Hack Attack at the Frontline Club in London
CATEGORY: Leveson Inquiry
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The newspapers’ royal regulation gambit
Padraig Reidy: The newspapers’ royal gambit

The newspapers’ royal regulation gambit
Padraig Reidy: The newspapers’ royal gambit
Index welcomes press industry rejection of government Royal Charter
While Index CEO Kirsty Hughes welcomed the industry’s rejection of the government’s Royal Charter, she expressed concern about undesirable political influence from a competing charter

Leveson: Who’s in? Who’s out?
Padraig Reidy: Leveson: Who’s in? Who’s Out?

Leveson: Who's in? Who's out?
Padraig Reidy: Leveson: Who’s in? Who’s Out?
Blog regulation: not waving, but drowning
Padraig Reidy: Blog regulation – not waving, but drowning
Leveson fiasco: costs and other questions
Leveson fiasco: costs and other questions
Leveson fiasco: costs and other questions
Leveson fiasco: costs and other questions

Leveson fiasco: costs and other questions
The proposed powers of a new regulator seem unworkable, says Padraig Reidy