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The artist who proposed an “Everybody Draw Muhammed Day” has gone into hiding on the advice of the FBI. Molly Norris was advised to move, change her name, and wipe away her identity, according to Seattle Weekly editor-in-chief Mark D. Fefer. Norris was put on an execution hitlist by Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in July. The cartoon led to a separate Facebook campaign, which resulted in the site being blocked in Pakistan.
Haldun Açıksözlü, actor and director of the theatre play Laz Marks, faces two years in jail over allegations that he insulted the prime minister in his play. The show has run for a year and has been shown in over 80 provinces.
The charges came only a week after British artist, Michael Dickenson, was fined for superimposing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s head onto the body of a dog.