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On Wednesday 6 July, What a Liberty! will launch their Magna Carta 2.0 at the Collection Museum in Lincoln.
Since February, eighteen British teenagers have worked together to re-imagine the Magna Carta and create their own Great Charter, the Magna Carta 2.0. Led by Index on Censorship and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Magna Carta 2.0 aims to spark discussion, provoke change and encourage young people to make sure their voice is heard. The group focused on the need for justice, equality, education and environmental consciousness. They have launched a self-managed website and social media presence to spread the word and spark discussions about human rights in the 21st century.
This event is open to the public – and will include a presentation from the group, audience Q&A and speeches from special guests, including Rachael Jolley, editor of Index on Censorship magazine. Following the presentation, we’ll be hosting a tea reception at The Collection, a chance to meet the group and other invited guests.
2.15pm-3.15pm – presentation and discussion
3:15pm-4:15pm – tea reception
The Collection Museum, Danes Terrace, Lincoln, LN2 1LP
“We’re here to influence the future. We’re here to promote a new charter. We are Magna Carta 2.0.”