27 Aug: Protest to support jailed Bahraini blogger and academic

Singace Protest Poster(1)

Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace is a prominent Bahraini blogger and academic protesting prison conditions in Bahrain. He is currently being held in solitary confinement at Al Qalaa hospital due to his poor health, and is reportedly being denied access to the full medical assistance he requires. Al-Singace, who has been promoting human rights in Bahrain since 2000, is serving a life sentence for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government.

Join us for a picket outside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on Thursday 27 August to remind the UK that Bahrain does not respect freedom of expression.

When: Thursday 27 August 2014, 1-2pm
Where: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH