Ask your police commissioner candidates about social media arrests

The whole of the UK is riveted by the race to elect police commissioners.

Actually let me rephrase that. The police commissioner elections are to be held this Thursday, to widespread indifference. But these are potentially important positions, so maybe we should be asking questions of the candidates (including John Prescott, pictured).

Here’s one to try for your local candidate: Do you think arresting young people for posting “offensive” content on Facebook and Twitter is an appropriate use of police time and taxpayers money?

In case you don’t know who your local police commissioner candidates are, you can search for them here

Let us know if you get an answer in the comments  below, on our Facebook page, or on twitter @indexcensorship.

UPDATE: We’ve had an answer from Rupert Moss-Eccardt, Lib Dem police commissioner candidate for Cambridgeshire

(Hat tip to Bob Farrell on Facebook for the suggestion)

READ: Man arrested for Facebook poppy burning picture
Matthew Woods Facebook conviction – we cannot keep prosecuting jokes
Paul Chambers on the Director of Public Prosecutions