In this issue, Index asks why intolerance is rising and what it is we have to fear?

Crown Confidential: How Britain's royals censor their records
VOLUME 51.04 WINTER 2022

The beautiful game? Qatar, football and freedom
VOLUME 51.03 AUTUMN 2022

The battle for Ukraine: Artists, journalists and dissidents respond
VOLUME 51.02 SUMMER 2022

Index at 50: The battles won, lost and currently raging
VOLUME 51.01 SPRING 2022

Playing With Fire: How theatre is resisten the oppressor
VOLUME 50.04 WINTER 2021

Climate of Fear: The silencing of the planet's indigenous people
VOLUME 50.03 AUTUMN 2021

Whistleblowers: The lifeblood of democracy
VOLUME 50.02 SUMMER 2021

China: A Century of silencing dissent
VOLUME 50.01 SPRING 2021