Zimbabwe targets media in crackdown
Reuters photographer Howard Burditt was was released on bail yesterday after he was arrested on Monday for allegedly using a satellite phone to file pictures of the aftermath of Zimbabwe’s elections. Meanwhile, Davison Maruziva, editor of the weekly independent newspaper the Standard, was arrested for publishing an article deemed to be prejudicial to the State. […]
09 May 08

Reuters photographer Howard Burditt was was released on bail yesterday after he was arrested on Monday for allegedly using a satellite phone to file pictures of the aftermath of Zimbabwe’s elections.

Meanwhile, Davison Maruziva, editor of the weekly independent newspaper the Standard, was arrested for publishing an article deemed to be prejudicial to the State. He now faces contempt of court charges.

Since the 29 March election, the government has been involved in a heavy crackdown on dissenting voices.

Freelance journalist Frank Chikowore was arrested on 15 April along with Luke Tamborinyoka, director of Information for Movement of Democratic Change (MDC). Both men were charged with public violence relating to the torching of a bus. On 2 May, both men were granted $5 billion Zimbabwean dollar bail ($167,000) and ordered to report to the police twice a week.

Chickwore’s lawyer, Harrison Nkomo was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly insulting Robert Mugabe. He is being charged under a section of the Criminal Law Act dealing with undermining or insulting the authority of the president.