Australian ‘hacktivists’ attack classification website
The Australian National Classification Board’s website was hacked into just before Senator Stephen Conroy went onto television to defended the government’s internet filtering scheme on 29 March. In the broadcast, Conroy claimed the website was responsible for maintaining the Government’s blacklist whilst the content of the website was being replaced. The hackers posted on the […]
30 Mar 09

The Australian National Classification Board’s website was hacked into just before Senator Stephen Conroy went onto television to defended the government’s internet filtering scheme on 29 March.

In the broadcast, Conroy claimed the website was responsible for maintaining the Government’s blacklist whilst the content of the website was being replaced. The hackers posted on the website that it is ‘part of an elaborate deception from China to control and sheepify the nation’. The attack was condemned by those working to convince the Government to abandon its trials of Internet filtering.