Defence secretary calls for ban of computer game
Defence secretary Liam Fox has called for shops to ban a computer game that allows players to act as the Taliban and kill Nato troops. Fox said he was “disgusted and angry” and called the game “un-British”. The updated version of Medal of Honour, due for release in October, gives players the choice of which side to represent in its multiplayer […]
23 Aug 10

Defence secretary Liam Fox has called for shops to ban a computer game that allows players to act as the Taliban and kill Nato troops. Fox said he was “disgusted and angry” and called the game “un-British”. The updated version of Medal of Honour, due for release in October, gives players the choice of which side to represent in its multiplayer mode. A spokesperson for the game’s publishers Electronic Arts said the format “merely reflects the fact that every conflict has two sides”. The Department of Media, Culture and Sport has distanced itself from Fox’s “personal view“.