Mexico: Murdered journalist’s son requests protection for press
The son of a murdered Mexican journalist has called for protection of journalists in Veracruz. Journalist and photographer Miguel Ángel López Solana, whose father, mother, brother and five colleagues have been murdered in the city, has said “things have to change”. Speaking at a journalism conference he added “We shouldn’t have to suffer from anymore deaths […]
25 May 12

The son of a murdered Mexican journalist has called for protection of journalists in Veracruz. Journalist and photographer Miguel Ángel López Solana, whose father, mother, brother and five colleagues have been murdered in the city, has said “things have to change”. Speaking at a journalism conference he added “We shouldn’t have to suffer from anymore deaths in Veracruz.” The journalist lost his father, journalist Miguel Ángel López Velasco, his brother Misael López Solana, and his mother, Agustina Solana, in June 2011 when gunmen stormed their house and shot them in their sleep.