Brian Cathcart: Liddle was wrong to write Lawrence trial article, and the Spectator was wrong to publish it
Free speech? Not when a newspaper sets a private eye on a journalist
Brian Cathcart: Free speech? Not when a newspaper sets a private eye on a journalist
Leveson: Time to lift the lid on Motorman
Brian Cathcart: Time for Leveson lift the lid on Motorman
The Sun, the baby and the bathwater
Brian Cathcart: The Sun, the baby and the bathwater
In praise of the hacked — civil litigants exposed News International
Brian Cathcart: In praise of phone-hacking civil litigants — they exposed News International
The Daily Mail and Hugh Grant – flagrant intimidation
Brian Cathcart: The Daily Mail and Hugh Grant – flagrant intimidation
The Lord Chief Justice, the law and the PCC
Brian Cathcart: The Lord Chief Justice, the law and the PCC
The press we deserve?
Brian Cathcart: The press we deserve?
Hacking: Myler and Crone point to Murdoch
Brian Cathcart on a very different day at parliament for ex News of the World men Myler and Crone

Courts and controversy
The UK press may show more restraint in reporting of high-profile cases if contempt laws are vigorously enforced, says
Brian Cathcart
The PCC rearranges the deckchairs
Brian Cathcart: The PCC rearranges the deckchairs
Some ideas for the Daily Mail’s review of editorial procedures
Brian Cathcart: Some ideas for the Daily Mail’s review of editorial procedures