Campaigner Bill Browder calls the jailed Putin critic “the type of person that our world needs the most”

Campaigner Bill Browder calls the jailed Putin critic “the type of person that our world needs the most”
A great privilege of working at Index is, and always has been, the amazing people we get to encounter, such as Iranian musician Toomaj Salehi
The Russian-American writer was at the centre of a controversy yet things were not exactly as they first seemed
Journalists have been attacked and killed, individuals have been silenced and protests banned as a result of the conflict
We have turned our backs on those left behind in Afghanistan. It is not too late to act
The heavy-handed treatment of anti-monarchy protesters at King Charles III’s ceremony is ominous
The country’s human rights landscape has disintegrated since Erdogan took over in 2003
The country has a vibrant future believes author Oliver Slow, despite the military junta’s attacks on dissent
Rewording Dahl’s classics sets a worrying precedent. Instead of censoring his works we should invest in promoting new, diverse talent
The Hong Kong 47 are now on trial. There is nothing free or fair about this
The UK’s legal structure continues to let oligarchs bully reporters
Trying to make sense of the protests in China right now is hard but one thing’s certain – they hint at the existence of greater dissent than the CCP realised