Buy Badiucao’s artwork

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Badiucao is a Chinese cartoonist whose provocative work has made him persona non grata with the Chinese government. As a result, he currently lives in exile in Australia, although that distance has not stopped him being the target of Chinese authorities.

His bold artwork homes in on the areas the Chinese government would rather not talk about. Tiananmen for example, alongside critical work on the current leader Xi Jinping. And his life is now the subject of a recently released documentary by filmmaker Danny Ben-Moshe, China’s Artful Dissident, which charts the road to an exhibition of his work in Hong Kong. Click here to read about our private screening of the film and our Q&A with Badiucao.

You can help support the artist and free speech more widely by purchasing your own exclusive Badiucao print. All proceeds will go to the artist. If you are interested in purchasing any of the pieces below, please email [email protected]
















