UK: Ryan Giggs legally named as footballer behind Imogen Thomas ‘affair’ injunction

Manchester United’s Ryan Giggs has been named in court for the first time as the Premier League footballer with a high-profile privacy injunction against the Sun. At a hearing at the high court today, Giggs agreed to lift the anonymity part of the injunction that he brought in April 2011 to prevent the tabloid from publishing claims he had an extra-marital affair with model Imogen Thomas. Yet the footballer was widely identified on Twitter and was named in the Commons by Lib Dem MP John Hemming last May. The footballer is trying to claim damages for distress from the Sun — alleging the paper breached his right to privacy — as well as for subsequent re-publication of information in other newspapers and online.

Max Mosley loses “prior notification” bid

Former motorsport chief Max Mosley has failed in his bid to to impose a legal duty of “prior notification” on the press. Mosley brought a case in front of the European Court of Human Rights after UK newspaper the News of the World published details of his sex life. (more…)

UK: Wayne Rooney to sue The Sun

Footballer Wayne Rooney is launching a libel claim against The Sun newspaper over stories that suggest he booked a holiday which would take place during the closing stages of the World Cup before England was knocked out. The two articles, published in June and July, alleged that Rooney confirmed a holiday two days before the team’s last match in the competition. The player denies this and argues the stories damaged his personal and professional reputation. Rooney is seeking an injunction against any repetition of the allegations.