Index on Censorship begins accepting donations in digital currency

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Index on Censorship, one of the world’s leading freedom of expression organisations, is to start taking donations in digital currency.

The move to accept cryptocurrency donations comes following a major gift from blockchain company Mainframe and will be used to support projects defending freedom of expression worldwide, including the Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship, which supports those on the frontline of censorship.

The technology that underpins digital currencies is owned and maintained by all its users rather than being controlled by a single authority – this means it offers a powerful alternative to traditional forms of giving and also for challenging censorship,” said Jodie Ginsberg, chief executive of Index on Censorship.

“Blockchain technology promises a future that can belong to everyone, where no voice can be muzzled. Mainframe was honored to be the first to donate cryptocurrency to Index on Censorship, and we’d encourage anyone else serious about combatting censorship to do the same,”  said Mick Hagen, CEO of Mainframe.

For more information, please contact Dave Sewell, Head of Finance: [email protected]. Deposit addresses are available via QR or text on the Index donations page.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_basic_grid post_type=”post” max_items=”4″ element_width=”6″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1540974934855-8eaa7149-a33d-7″ taxonomies=”5692″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Mainframe makes donation to Index on Censorship

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah —July 31, 2018 — Mainframe, the creator of a censorship-resistant and surveillance-resistant blockchain protocol, announced the beneficiaries of their crowdgift campaign, Proof of Heart: The Human Rights Foundation’s Flashdrives for Freedom, WITNESS, Coincenter, Access Now, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Reporters Without Borders and Index on Censorship will receive a combined total of 1020 Ethereum (ETH).  With the help of its community donating ETH to a single wallet address, the crowdgift campaign raised $1.4 million USD on behalf of organisations aligned with Mainframe’s mission to promote ideals of privacy and freedom.

“As the world becomes increasingly digital, consumers and the institutions they rely on are forced to ask themselves the question of who should be the masters of their technology, and how. These organisations were chosen for their notable achievements in advancing the fight for the free and secure exchange of information, and their commitment to exploring uses of blockchain technology in their work,” said Mainframe founder and CEO, Mick Hagen. “We’re excited to stand side by side with these organisations that put human rights first.”

Mainframe’s unique combination of cryptography, encryption layers, and network design prevents network data from ever being identified, on send or receive. The company is poised to upend the status quo of unchecked mass surveillance, data collection, and censorship from sovereignties and tech giants. They aim to empower everyone with censorship-resistant and surveillance-resistant channels to solve real-world problems, including these organisations.

As with several others, Hagen hopes to kickstart ongoing relationships with the organisations to preserve censorship ideals amidst the evolution of the digital landscape. Through education and awareness, Mainframe will coordinate with local groups and citizens, conduct training, and provide resources so people are empowered with tools to expose abuses and injustice to the world.

In June, Mainframe donated 1000 ETH to the Freedom of the Press Foundation from funds raised through its Proof of Heart campaign. Through the donations and ensuing initiatives, Mainframe is dedicated to strengthening free speech and privacy protections worldwide to continue to positively impact communities, emerging issues, and creative solutions that will shape the future of information security.

Mick Hagen, CEO of Mainframe, is available for interviews.



About Index on Censorship

Index on Censorship is a UK-based nonprofit that campaigns against censorship and promotes free expression worldwide. Founded in 1972, Index has published some of the world’s leading writers and artists in its award-winning quarterly magazine, including Nadine Gordimer, Mario Vargas Llosa, Samuel Beckett and Kurt Vonnegut. Index promotes debate, monitors threats to free speech and supports individuals through its annual awards and fellowship program.

About Mainframe

Mainframe is the web3 infrastructure for private p2p data relay for creating unstoppable and untrackable applications. Resistant to censorship, surveillance, and disruption — Mainframe’s robust encryption, unique network design, and metadata obscuring features protects the privacy and freedoms of people around the world.

Media Contact

Tamani Jayasinghe

917 900 7986

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