Libel Reform Hustings poll – the results

The ballots are in, they’ve been badly counted and the winner of last night’s completely unscientific poll is Dr Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrats science spokesman*

1. Who do you think defended freedom of speech the best?

Michael Wills — Labour                  2
Evan Harris — Liberal Democrat   55
Dominic Grieve — Conservative     12

2. Whose proposed reforms of our libel laws were you most favourable to?

Michael Wills —- Labour               2
Evan Harris — Liberal Democrat  58
Dominic Grieve — Conservative    9

3. Whose arguments did you find the most convincing?

Michael Wills —- Labour                 3
Evan Harris — Liberal Democrat   52
Dominic Grieve — Conservative      15

***This is in no way an endorsement of any political party by Index on Censorship

Free speech hustings – As they happened

Last night the Libel Reform campaign hosted the official “Free Speech Hustings” of the general election 2010 in association with English PEN, Index on Censorship and Sense About Science

Speaking at the event were Dominic Grieve from the Conservatives, Evan Harris from the Liberal Democrats and Labour’s Michael Wills.