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Articles from this list explore the topic of how minority groups are both being censored and also evade censorship. Includes Kerry Brown on the censored minorities of China at the time of the 2008 Olympic Games and Akeel Bilgrami on the plight of India’s Muslims after 9/11.
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Minority groups and censorship articles
Minorities and the media by Anthony Smith
Anthony Smith, March 1975; vol. 4, 1: pp. 105-106
A study in the use of media by the Mexican Chicano Movement
Kerry Brown, May 2008; vol. 37, 2: pp. 152-161
Kerry Brown on the censored minorities of China
Speaking in Tongues by Lambros Baltsiotis, Leonidas Embiricos
Lambros Baltsiotis, Leonidas Embiricos, March 2001, vol. 30, 2: pp. 145-151
A deconstruction of minority languages in Greece and a look at the battle to keep these languages alive
Just a Question of Money? By Moussa Awuonda
Moussa Awuonda, April 2003, vol. 32 no. 2 187-191
Kenyan journalist Moussa Awuonda details the report pressing the Swedish government to pay more attention to its minority presses
India’s Muslims Post 9/11 by Akeel Bilgrami
Akeel Bilgrami, November 2006, vol. 35, 4: pp. 15-21
Akeel Bilgrami delivers an explosive narrative on how India’s Muslim minority has responded to the aggressive ideology of the majority Hindus
Steven Marc Glick, October 1981, vol. 10, 5: pp. 32-33
Author Steven Marc Glick reports from the former Soviet Union on the plight of disabled individuals and new attempts by some to help them
Down The Welsh Road by George Jones
George Jones, July 2001, vol. 30, 3: pp. 206-211
George Jones on the linguistic rights of the Welsh-speaking minority in Wales
Speaking in Tongues by Ayer Neier
Ayer Neier, March 1996, vol. 25, 2: pp. 139-141
The ex-executive director of Human Rights Watch on the danger of suppressing minority languages worldwide
Daring to speak one’s name: A reflection on gay censorship by Alberto Manguel
Alberto Manguel, January 1995, vol. 24, 1: pp. 14-31
As Russian law relaxes and allows homosexual writers a voice, Alberto Manguel reflects on gay censorship in the country
The landscape for religious freedom in the new Egypt by Shahira Amin
Shahira Amin, June 2013, vol. 42, 2: pp. 102-109
Two years after the revolution in Egypt, Shahira Amin reflects on the minority communities who are still trying to get their voices heard
The reading list for minority groups and censorship can be found on the Sage website
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