Student reading lists: technology and censorship

Today, technology is being used frequently as a censorship tool as well as a way of getting around censorship. The technology and censorship reading list combines a number of articles released over a twenty-year period on the interference technology can have on free expression and the technological advances meaning censors are being more easily evaded. Includes Bibi van der Zee on the impact of Twitter in driving global political change.

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Student reading lists

Censorship in the arts
Comedy and censorship
Journalism and censorship
Ken Saro-Wiwa
Minority groups and censorship
Threats to academic freedom
About the student reading lists
Technology and censorship

Technology and censorship articles

Time travel to the web of the past and future: Internet predictions revisited, two decades on by Mike Godwin

Mike Godwin, December 2014; vol. 43, 4: pp. 106-109

Twenty years on, Mike Godwin  revisits his article on the arrival of the online world and assesses what he got right, and what challenges remain today

Technology Bytes Back: Censorship and the new communication order by Nan Levinson

Nan Levinson, February 1993; vol. 22, 2: pp. 4

In the early days of the internet, Nan Levinson discusses new technologies and their use in the fight against censorship

Cyber Wars by Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski

Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohizinski, March 2010; vol. 39, 1: pp. 79-90

A look at the battle for online space

Virtually Free by Brian Winston and Paul Walton

Brian Winston and Paul Walton, January 1996; vol. 25, 1: pp. 78-83

One director and one fellow from Cardiff University’s school of journalism discuss the suppression of new technology

Global View: the power of noise in the fight against censorship by Jodie Ginsberg

Jodie Ginsberg, December 2014; vol. 43, 4: pp. 51-52

In her quarterly column, Index on Censorship’s chief executive looks at people power and the power of noise

Twitter Triumphs by Bibi van der Zee

Bibi van der Zee, November 2009; vol. 38, 4: pp. 97-102

Journalist and author Bibi van der Zee assesses the impact of Twitter on political change

Future Web: The N-Generation by Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott, November 2007; vol. 36, 4: pp. 51

Don Tapscott looks optimistically at the web’s potential for opening up global information-sharing

Going Mobile by Danica Radovanovic

Danica Radovanovic, December 2012; vol. 41, 4: pp 112-116

Danica Radovanovic on the new role phones are playing in spreading news and information

The reading list for technology and censorship can be found here

Eastern Europe: Politics v culture

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