23 May: The Index Debate: Diss my mother; expect a punch



Index at the Hay Festival

What are the limits of free speech and civility? What is the nature of “offence”? What earns “respect”? If words can hurt you, are sticks and stones and broken bones the answer?

Index on Censorship magazine will launch its spring issue at this year’s Hay Festival on Saturday 23 May, along with a debate discussing the limits of free speech and the nature of offence. Speakers include: Turkish novelist Elif Shafak, Index chair David Aaronovitch, editor of Index on Censorship magazine Rachael Jolley and academic Sarah Churchwell.

Where: Llwyfan Cymru – Wales Stage, Hay Festival
When: Saturday 23 May 2015, 8.30pm
Tickets: £8 / order here

Index is also holding a debate on 24 May at Hay Festival, find out more here

#MagnaCarta800: Debating the merits of a First Amendment for the UK


On the day when the four surviving copies of the original 1215 Magna Carta were briefly brought together for the first time, Index on Censorship held a debate to celebrate the launch of the winter issue of the magazine.

With a panel hailing from both sides of the Atlantic, speakers included MP and former Attorney General Dominic Grieve, University of East Anglia Professor Sarah Churchwell, Artistic Director Madani Younis of the Bush Theatre and author and President of YouGov Peter Kellner.



