El uzbeco Hamid Ismailov, periodista y escritor, se vio obligado a huir de Uzbekistán en 1992, debido a lo que el Estado definió como “tendencias democráticas inaceptables”

El uzbeco Hamid Ismailov, periodista y escritor, se vio obligado a huir de Uzbekistán en 1992, debido a lo que el Estado definió como “tendencias democráticas inaceptables”
Хамид Исмаилов – узбекский журналист и писатель, который был вынужден бежать из Узбекистана в 1992 году из-за деятельности, которую государство назвало «неприемлемыми демократическими тенденциями».
“The noose is tightening around the Honduran people more than ever,” says Dana Frank, professor at UC Santa Cruz, specialising in human rights and US policy in post-coup Honduras, adding that with this comes increased repression of the media.
الصحفي اليمني عبد العزيز محمد الصبري يشرح مخاطر العمل الصحفي في بلده. أجرت المقابلة لورا سيلفيا باتاجليا
Hamid Ismailov is an Uzbek journalist and writer who was forced to flee Uzbekistan in 1992 due to what the state dubbed “unacceptable democratic tendencies”.
On International Women’s Day, we celebrate and honour the amazing women on our awards shortlist.
Since 1992 Honduran journalist Dina Meza has been investigating corruption and violations of free speech throughout South America, including the murder of journalists in Honduras
Index on Censorship magazine celebrated that launch of its winter 2017 magazine with an evening exploring the legacies of iconic protests from 1918 and 1968 to the modern day
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom project verifies threats, violations and limitations faced by the media throughout the European Union and neighbouring countries. Serious threats verified by the...