Iran: BBC news chief seeks government action over “intimidation”

The Head of Global News at the BBC has sought government action over the increasing “intimidation” of their staff in Iran. In a BBC blog post Peter Horrocks claimed yesterday that there had been an increase in “anti-BBC rehtoric” following a broadcast the BBC aired on Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in mid September. The BBC Persian TV channel has been blocked, and 6 independent documentary makers whose films have appeared on the channel, have been arrested. Police and officials have also reportedly been arresting, questioning and intimidating family members of staff. Horrocks called for the British government to deter the Iranian government from these attempts to undermine free media.

Journalists in Gaza attacked by police

Hamas security officers in Gaza harassed and attacked journalists covering recent protests. At least five journalists were attacked by police while covering peaceful protests commemorating Land Day on Wednesday (30 March). Journalists also had their equipment seized and confiscated. Later, in response to recent criticism, officials from Hamas’s Interior Ministry announced that they would no longer detain or harass journalists without formal charges.