Syria: Two Reuters reporters missing

Reuters has announced that two of their reporters are missing in Syria. Jordanian correspondent, Suleiman al Khalidi, was detainted by the Syrian authorities on Tuesday, while Syrian photographer, Khaled al Hariri, has been out of contact since Monday. The disappearances follow the detention of two of Reuters television journalists who were released by the Syrian authorities on Monday and expelled to Lebanon. Editor in chief Stephen Adler has expressed his concern for the whereabouts of Khalidi and Hariri and has stated “We call upon the Syrian authorities to help us urgently in ensuring their safe and timely release.”

Jailed Gambian journalist has baby taken

Five of the six journalists sentenced to two years in prison for sedition and defamation against the government in Zambia have been moved to a northern prison.  This included Pap Saine, the Reuters correspondent who is suffering from a heart condition but has not been allowed to go to Senegal for the pacemaker operation.  The sixth journalist Sarata Jabba-Dibba has not been moved to the northern prison, but has had her seven month old baby, which she is still breastfeeding  taken away from her. Read more here