Art has been used as a form of protest during times of crisis throughout history. It is a popular and, at times, effective platform to express opinions about societal problems

Art has been used as a form of protest during times of crisis throughout history. It is a popular and, at times, effective platform to express opinions about societal problems
“Internet shutdowns are increasingly used by governments to control the flow of information, particularly around elections or political unrest.”
Eddy Munyaneza is an award-winning filmmaker who was forced into exile when he created documentaries about Burundi’s president Pierre Nkurunziza, who was running for a third term and the political crisis that followed.
Rights, Risks & Reputations is a training programme developed by Index, What Next? and Cause4 to help art and cultural leaders understand and challenge a risk-averse culture and incorporate these topics within their organisations.
The editors of the Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award-winning newspaper Azadliq have launched a letter-writing campaign to journalist Seymur Hezi, who is in prison.
Marking the 50th year anniversary of the end of UK theatre censorship ushered in by the Theatres Act of 1968, Index on Censorship hosted The Lord Chamberlain Regrets – Theatre and Censorship workshop looking at Noel Coward’s controversial plays.