Marta Cooper:
High threshold set for social media prosecutions
Guidelines issued today on when criminal charges should be brought against people posting offensive or abusive comments on social media sites could boost free speech
Plus: Read the guidelines here
Index Press Release: Social media guidelines recognise there is no right not to be offended
Maria Miller Leveson threat raises fears of politicians interfering in press regulation
Worrying news from Buckingham Palace Road this morning: the Telegraph is reporting that Culture Secretary Maria Miller’s special adviser Joanna Hindley warned its reporters of Miller’s connection to the Leveson report before the newspaper published...
Leveson: What's on the line?
Marta Cooper on the Leveson Inquiry

Europe has a duty to speak out on Vaxevanis
Index on Censorship and other freedom of expression groups urge the European Union to defend free speech
Index tells policy makers to keep the internet free
As Index launches a policy note ahead of the Internet Governance Forum, Marta Cooper asks if can we keep the internet free
UK: Man sentenced to 100 hours of community service for shouting at Prime Minister
A man who shouted "no ifs, not buts, no public sector cuts" at Prime Minister David Cameron during a speech in Glasgow in July has been sentenced to 100 hours of community service, it was reported today. Activist Stuart Rodger, 23, admitted...
Greece: Investigative journalist acquitted
Investigative journalist Kostas Vaxevanis, whose Hot Doc magazine published a leaked list (nicknamed the “Lagarde list") of over 2,000 names of Greeks with Swiss bank accounts, has been acquitted of breaking data privacy laws. In a video uploaded...

INDEX Q&A: Talking to Europe’s most wired politician
In a world where digital policy is written by politicians who barely know how to send an email, Marietje Schaake is a breath of fresh air. Marta Cooper meets the pioneering Dutch MEP
Greece: Another journalist arrested as crackdown continues
Greek journalist Spiros Karatzaferis was arrested today (31 October) for after threatening to publish damaging allegations about the country's struggling economy. Karatzaferis said he had obtained information from hacking collective Anonymous,...
Ai Weiwei does Gangnam Style (really)
Update 26/10: The clip below has now been blocked in China. While Korean pop sensation Psy was teaching UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon how to do the Gangnam Style dance, Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei was at work in his Beijing studio mastering the...
Event Recap: Index debates the UK's "Snooper's Charter"
Marta Cooper: Debating whether we need a “snooper’s charter” to safeguard our security