Freedom of Expression Campaigning Award-winner Ildar Dadin has returned to activism since his release from prison in February

Freedom of Expression Campaigning Award-winner Ildar Dadin has returned to activism since his release from prison in February
A Bahraini judge postponed a ruling until 11 September in one of the cases against human rights activist Nabeel Rajab
Journalists covering the G20 Summit in Hamburg in July were subject to assaults, intimidation and some lost their accreditation, according to verified incidents documented by Index on Censorship’s project Mapping Media Freedom.
2017 Freedom of Expression Award-winner Digital Activism award-winner Turkey Blocks continues to monitor internet freedom in Turkey.
Following the Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards in April, journalism award-winner Maldives Independent has undergone a period of change and restructuring.
Arts fellow Rebel Pepper has continued to publish cartoons and speak out against the Chinese government on limits on freedom of expression.
100 years after the Russian Revolution, Index has compiled a reading list on its legacy in the world today
Throughout June, Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom project has recorded a number of violations in Turkey, which is now the biggest jailer of journalists in the world.
Nine Pakistani citizens have filed a constitutional petition in Pakistan to challenge censorship and recent arrests of journalists and activists
In this issue, Index investigates problems facing British TV reporters working in Ulster.