Hu Jia released but not free

After serving a three-and-a-half year sentence for inciting subversion, Chinese activist Hu Jia was sent home on Sunday.

But like Ai Weiwei, who surfaced from detention last week, Hu is far from free.

His wife told the BBC that he is being held under conditions “equivalent to house arrest.”

Media have published plenty of photos today showing crowds of non-uniformed police outside their apartment block in Beijing’s eastern suburbs.

Hours after his release, Hu spoke by phone to Hong Kong media, telling them that he will be careful in the future.

“Once I saw my family, I understood how much I owe them, especially my parents, my wife and my kid,” Hu told iCable News. “I realise I’ve done nothing for them. There is a Chinese saying that ‘patriotism and filial piety don’t go hand in hand’.”

Both Hu and Ai, once strident critics of aspects of the Chinese political system, now appear hobbled and cowed.

And this is just how the government wants them to appear, as a lesson to other would-be critics of the Party.

True to form, the English-language Global Times, a Chinese state mouthpiece, has an opinion piece today on Hu. The paper frequently covers news Chinese domestic media tend to shy away from.

The editorial, headlined: “Questioning West’s campaign to create a hero” is an oddly-worded critique of how the west only champions those were are anti-Chinese government.

It also warns Hu that his time in the limelight will be short-lived.

“The West will forget about China’s “social activists” soon, just as the “democratic activists” of 20 years ago [an oblique reference to the Tiananmen Square activists] have been gradually marginalized in Western society.”

Chinese human rights activist evicted

Chinese authorities evicted Zeng Jinyan, the wife of imprisoned AIDs and free speech activist Hu Jia, from her home in Shenzhen today. Zeng is also a human rights activist and keeps a blog and twitter account. Authorities are now warning Zeng that she and her husband may be put under house arrest upon his release on 26 June.

Hong Kong apologises for caption blunder

The South China Morning Post issued a formal apology on Wednesday after misprinting a front page photograph caption of President Hu Jintao arriving in the US to meet President Obama. Instead of printing Hu Jintao’s name in Chinese, the paper accidentally published that of Hu Jia, the Chinese political dissident who was recently denied medical parole by Beijing authorities. On its front page, the South China Morning Post stated that it “sincerely apologises for the Chinese name translation error”.

Chinese activist denied medical parole

Chinese human rights activist Hu Jia, has been denied medical parole by Chinese officials. His wife, Zeng Jinyan appealed for his release to Beijing authorities last week citing concerns for his husband’s health, he may have liver cancer. According to Zeng’s blog, the authorities telephoned Hu’s mother this morning rejecting the plea. The caller claimed Hu, who was believed to be in hospital, has since been moved back to prison, and that his liver problem was the result of a “blood tumour”—not meeting the conditions of medical parole. Despite authorities have also refused Zeng’s request for a written report of Hu’s health. Hu Jia, winner of the Sakharov Prize, has been imprisoned since 2008 for testifying via video link to the European Parliament about China’s human rights record, and his sentence is due to end June 2011.