Is free speech a way to promote unheard and under-represented voices and perspectives, or is it a tool wielded by extremists and supremacists?

Is free speech a way to promote unheard and under-represented voices and perspectives, or is it a tool wielded by extremists and supremacists?
Under increasing pressure from the government and a media environment becoming more and more censored, journalists within Bulgaria are finding themselves in danger
Kieran Etoria-King, the second Tim Hetherington fellow, speaks about his time as the editorial assistant, and the opportunities it’s given him
Sahika Erkonan never thought signing a petition meant signing away her life, her family or her country. Marooned in London, she faces an uncertain future
From the beginning of 2017 until April 2017, 143 reports of blocked access, in which journalists were expelled from a location or prevented from speaking to a source, were submitted MMF
Index joined English Pen, Reporters Without Borders, Cartoonist Rights Network International and dozens of protesters to call on the British government to hold president Erdogan accountable for the ongoing crackdown on free speech
British academic David Short has been announced as the recipient of the George Theiner Award 2018.
In 2016 hundreds of academics were dismissed from their positions without notice, including sociologist Sharo Ibrahim Garip, who taught at Yuzuncu Yil University
Yesterday marked three months since the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. Outside the Maltese embassy in London, Index on Censorship stood with others to call on the Maltese government ensure justice is served
At least nine media workers were detained across Russia on 8 October during protests organised by Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny
Staff from the Irish Times will no longer appear on Ireland’s only two national commercial radio stations, Newstalk and Today FM