“How do we form a contract of trust with those with whom we are communicating?” asked Index CEO Jodie Ginsberg at a debate on privacy at the Battle of Ideas

“How do we form a contract of trust with those with whom we are communicating?” asked Index CEO Jodie Ginsberg at a debate on privacy at the Battle of Ideas
“Put your hand up if you’re concerned at the moment about facial recognition”
Index on Censorship’s Forest Folktales: Uncensored did not take place in a mystical fairyland, but rather at this year’s Latitude Festival
On Tuesday 2 July, we’ll be debating press freedom and Julian Assange at the Frontline Club. Index CEO Jodie Ginsberg joins former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, columnist and broadcaster David Aaronovitch, journalist Vaughan Smith and columnist Suzanne Moore to discuss Assange and his work. Chaired by journalist Robin Lustig.
The Missing Voices campaign seeks to counteract censorship and consolidate laws and community standards wherever possible.
In discussing the scope of the recent Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019, international human rights lawyer Alex Bailin QC called the powers created by the new legislation “breathtakingly broad.”
Index on Censorship magazine editor Rachael Jolley marks the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests and massacre in conversation with journalist Tania Branigan and
academic Jeff Wasserstrom. They were joined by author Xinran, who shared her memories.
Marking the 50th anniversary of the end of UK theatre censorship, Index hosted an educational and interactive workshop with young people at the British Library
“I found it empowering to be told I couldn’t talk about something,” said Gabby Edlin, founder of Bloody Good Period on the topic of period taboos at the launch of the winter Index on Censorship magazine
“Robust challenges” should be sought-after rather than silencing those who share different views, said @timandraharkness @indexcensorship event