Peru: Charges dismissed against Radio La Voz

Olga Bobadilla Terán, head of the Utcubamba Provincial Attorney General’s First Office, dropped a case against the La Voz de Bagua radio, on 16 February.

Radio La Voz was accused by Oswaldo Arroyo, a public prosecutor with the Justice Ministry, of “incitement to violence”, relating to incidents that took place on 5 June 2009 in the city of Bagua Grande, in Utcubamba province. The judge has found that the station and its staff only did their work reporting on the events and they are not responsible for the crimes they had been accused.

The Peruvian government’s cancelled the broadcast license of Radio La Voz on 8 June 2009. Carlos Flores Rojas, director of the radio, said the ruling reaffirmed that the actions against the station initiated by government personnel were abusive and arbitrary. He called on the government to now take the necessary steps to allow for the reopening of the station.

Peru: journalists jailed

Criminalisation of speech in Peru
Magaly Medina and Ney Guerrero Orellano, reporter and the producer of gossip show Magaly Te Ve, were sentenced to prison terms and penalties by a criminal court in Peru on 16 October.

Journalist assaulted during live broadcast

Radio journalist Alejandro Rupay was assaulted during a live broadcast on 30 January. Rupay, a presenter with Radio FM 98 in the town of Tingo Maria, central Peru, was beaten and threatened after the brother of the district’s governor burst into the studio during transmission. Rupay was hit in the face and warned to “stop irritating the governor or worse will happen to you”. The assault occurred a week after Rupay had made comments alleging the governor had been involved in corruption.

Read more here

China: To be a journalist

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