As demonstrations against corruption and the failure to provide basic services sweep Lebanon, we look at how authorities deal with mass protests around the world.

As demonstrations against corruption and the failure to provide basic services sweep Lebanon, we look at how authorities deal with mass protests around the world.
The technology and censorship reading list combines a number of articles released over a twenty-year period on the interference technology can have on free expression and the technological advances meaning censors are being more easily evaded.
To tie in with the release of Index’s summer 2015 issue on academic freedom, Index put together a reading list of articles looking at the issues surrounding freedom of speech in universities from all over the world.
This reading list groups together a collection of works by and about Nigerian activist Ken Saro-Wiwa.
Much of Index on Censorship’s global work involves allowing censored journalists an outlet to publish articles which may be unpublished in their home countries. This reading list, focusing on journalism, looks at issues surrounding freedom of expression and press freedom.
Articles from this list explore the topic of how minority groups are both being censored and also evade censorship.
Edgar Lawrence Doctorow, a supporter of Index on Censorship, passed away on 21 July 2015 at 84.
The arts are an incredibly popular outlet for free expression but too often they are restricted. Index on Censorship have recently published a number of law packs informing artistic organisations of their rights when having their works challenged.
“Tonight, please don’t forget to laugh and dream out loud, that would be the best tribute you could pay to Sabeen”, said Mahenaz Mahmud via video at Unsilencing Pakistan, a Thursday 23 July event co-hosted by Index on Censorship at London’s Conway Hall.
Ann Morgan’s challenge to read a book from every country in the world led her to discover a host of censored writers, including novelists from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The Bahraini human rights defender was once again arrested in October 2014 in connection with one of his tweets
I want to know the past, people shouldn’t be able to alter records, said former UN free speech guru Frank La Rue