When those in power want to control access to history and ideas, libraries are often the first to be targeted, reports Rachael Jolley

When those in power want to control access to history and ideas, libraries are often the first to be targeted, reports Rachael Jolley
Journalists tell Index how a new type of visa is vital to protect lives and stop media censorship. Rachael Jolley reports
Rachael Jolley introduces the autumn 2020 issue of Index on Censorship magazine, which looks at how and why our freedoms disappear and those who are willing to stand up for them
As governments look into contact tracing apps to identify and isolate people with coronavirus, Rachael Jolley discusses whether signing up to apps – and other actions we take online and off – make us complicit in giving away our freedoms
Editor-in-chief Rachael Jolley argues in the winter 2019 issue of Index on Censorship magazine that a new generation of democratic leaders is actively eroding essential freedoms
Spain’s crackdown on critics and protest has been building over the past few years. Rachael Jolley tracks the incidents.
Editor-in-chief Rachael Jolley argues in the autumn 2019 issue of Index on Censorship magazine that travel restrictions and snooping into your social media at the frontier are new ways of suppressing ideas
Rachael Jolley, Index on Censorship editor-in-chief writes in The Times Thunderer column. Border officials around the world are increasingly demanding access to our social media accounts and address books. They want to know what we’ve said on...
When Andrew came to visit us in the past few years at the offices of Index on Censorship magazine, he was always full of jokes and stories. But he didn’t tend to tell us about the struggles of the past, unless we prompted him to do so.
The distance between national leaders and judges is narrowing around the world. The summer 2019 issue of @Index_Magazine looks at how the erosion of judicial independence is impacting freedom of expression
Local news is essential to a free society. And that’s one reason why this issue looks at what happens when there are no local journalists to hold people to account.
Worrying about a local newspaper closing or reporters being centralised is not just nostalgia, it’s being concerned that our democratic watchdogs are going missing, says Rachael Jolley in the spring 2019 issue of Index on Censorship magazine