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Last month, Ibad Bayramov – son of renowned economist and activist Dr Gubad Ibadoghlu – received a letter from a cardiologist based in the USA warning of an “imminent threat” to his father’s life.
“The cardiologist has recommended that my father has an aortic root aneurysm and must go under surgery as soon as possible,” Bayramov told Index. “The government falsified his medical results during the communications with the ECHR.”
This is just the latest development in the tragic case of the 52-year-old academic Ibadoghlu, who was arbitrarily detained alongside his wife in July 2023 on fabricated charges of producing, acquiring or selling counterfeit money.
The move has been widely condemned as a political one by the Azerbaijani government because of Ibadoghlu’s long history of environmental activism and criticism of the state. Although his wife, Irada Bayramova, was later released, Ibadoghlu still faces charges and is now under house arrest. It means he can’t leave the country to get the medical help he needs.
His son described the harrowing ordeal to Index.
“My parents were brutally physically assaulted and psychologically abused by Azerbaijani police,” he explained. “Our mother had to be hospitalised as a result of the stress she had been going through due to police violence she faced when she was detained.”
Bayramov is one of Ibadoghlu’s three children, all of whom are fighting for their father’s release. He told Index of another man, economist Fazil Gasimov, who had been arrested in the same case and subjected to torture until he testified against Ibadoghlu.
“He was forced to provide false testimony under severe duress, including electroshock torture and having his head submerged in a toilet,” said Bayramov.
“His government-appointed lawyer colluded with the authorities to extract these false statements.”
According to his brother, Gasimov went on a hunger strike in June in protest of the investigation against him and Ibadoghlu.
If convicted of his trumped-up charges, Ibadoghlu – who has had his pre-trial detention extended on three occasions – could face up to 17 years in prison. This would be a shocking miscarriage of justice towards a man who has spent his life fighting for environmental rights and democracy.
Since receiving his PhD in economics from Azerbaijan State University of Economics in 2000, Ibadoghlu has conducted a wide range of research, looking into corruption and money laundering in Azerbaijan as well as petro-authoritarianism and how being oil-rich impedes democracy in post-Soviet nations.
He has previously worked in a number of world-class universities, including Duke University in California and the London School of Economics, and has garnered huge respect in the academic world. A number of academics – alongside several human rights and environmental groups – signed a letter calling for his release which was sent to then-Secretary of State David Cameron in April.
Ibadoghlu’s condition becomes more critical with each passing day. His health, which already had its issues prior to his arrest, has rapidly declined. He has lost 15kg during his time in detention and requires extensive care and possible surgery which Bayramov says is beyond the capabilities of Azerbaijan’s medical system.
“We will try to transfer him to the foreign hospital as soon as possible. However, due to the travel ban he can’t leave the country to get medical assistance,” he said.
Ibadoghlu is currently under house arrest having been moved from detention on 22 April, which his son said is due to pressure on the government over his health.
While under house arrest, Ibadoghlu is prohibited from leaving home between 10pm and 6am or from leaving the capital city of Baku at all. The authorities have to be able to contact him at all times and he has no national ID, therefore cannot register at a hospital.
His trial is currently due on 20 August, but as this date has been pushed back before, Ibadoghlu’s family are wary of getting their hopes up that this saga could end sometime soon.
This is just one of many accusations faced by the Azerbaijan government of violating the human rights of dissenters. On 3 July, the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) issued a public statement detailing the refusal of the Azerbaijani authorities to co-operate with them.
In the statement, the CPT said that it “continues to receive allegations of severe acts of ill-treatment and even of torture by police officers” in the state. Such an extraordinary step demonstrates just how alarming the free speech environment in Azerbaijan has become.
The situation Ibadoghlu faces is outrageous but sadly all too common. There is no basis for his arrest, which has been made for purely political reasons. His detainment is a serious miscarriage of justice and an affront to free speech. Given his waning health, his release can’t come a moment too soon.
Thousands of Azerbaijanis took to the street on Sunday, calling for the resignation of President Ilham Aliyev, the release of political prisoners and an end to human rights abuses in the country. The protest comes during an ongoing and wide reaching crackdown on regime critics.
On Saturday, investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova was placed under a travel ban. The award-winning reporter has covered corruption allegedly connected to Aliyev, and has been targeted by government supporters in the past. She is currently facing criminal charges of libel and document forgery, which she denies and vows to fight.
Last week, Index reported journalist Arzu Geybulla being threatened on social media and accused of treason after being interviewed by Azerbaijani news site
These cases follow the jailing of several prominent and critical voices within Azerbaijan’s civil society. Human rights defender Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif were detained in July, followed by fellow rights activist Rasul Jafarov, lawyer Intigam Aliyev and journalist Seymur Hezi.
The European Parliament recently called on Azerbaijan — currently chairing the Council of Europe — to release several prominent political prisoners and proceed with reforming the country’s human rights policies. Before being arrested, Jafarov had worked on putting together a detailed list of the country’s political prisoners, with the latest figure coming to 98.
The protest, which also called for closer ties to the European Union, was approved by authorities, but took place in a remote part of Baku.
All photos by Ramin Deko
This article was posted on 10 October 2014 at
Arzu Geybulla
Journalist Arzu Geybulla has received a growing number of threats on social media following an interview with Azerbaijani news site
Geybulla has been subject to ongoing intimidation because of her work at Istanbul-based Armenian paper, Agos. The interview has led to Geybulla being accused of treason by the Azerbaijani media.
Despite calls from the European Parliament in September, Azerbaijan has still failed to release prominent political prisoners Leyla and Arif Yunus, Rasul Jafarov, Intigam Aliyev and Hasan Huseynli.
Jodie Ginsberg, CEO of Index on Censorship, said: “Azerbaijan portrays itself internationally as a country that values human rights and respects the freedom of its citizens to express themselves. In reality, anyone who seeks to speak or act freely in Azerbaijan is targeted, imprisoned and harassed. The international community needs to take a far tougher stance on Azerbaijan to help defend individuals like Arzu and the defenceless individuals to which her work gives voice.”
Geybulla wrote for Index on Censorship about her thoughts on free expression in Azerbaijan on July 30, the day Leyla Yunus was detained.
Leyla and her husband have now been imprisoned for 73 days. Javarov has been in prison for 70 days since August 2, and Aliyev has been detained for 64 days, since August 8. Huseynli, who has been detained for 195 days since March 30, is serving a six year sentence.
Take action to support Arzu Geybulla, Leyla and Arif Yunus, Rasul Jafarov, Intigam Aliyev and Hasan Huseynli.
Post on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit or share with your friends. Let @PresidentAZ know you ware watching.
Please send appeals immediately:
— Condemning the campaign of intimidation directed at Arzu Geybullayeva for her legitimate work as a journalist at Agos;
— Calling on the Turkish and Azerbaijani authorities to investigate any threats of violence against her and to ensure her safety;
— Reminding them that they have the obligation to safeguard Geybullayeva’s right to freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which they are both state parties.
Appeals to:
Mr Ramil Usubov
Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Azerbaijan
7 Husu Haliyev Street
Baku, Azerbaijan
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PresidentAZ
Mr Efkan Ala
Minister of Interior for the Republic of Turkey
T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı
Ankara, Turkey
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Twitter: @efkanala
If possible, please copy appeals to the diplomatic representative for Azerbaijan and Turkey in your country. Let us know of any actions you have taken and responses you receive.
This article was posted on 10 October 2014 at
In early August, Azerbaijani human rights activist Rasul Jafarov was charged with tax evasion, illegal entrepreneurship and power abuse and sentenced to three months of pre-trial detention, as part of a crackdown on the country’s human rights groups and dissident voices. This is his appeal to the international community.
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
I would like to bring to your attention that the charges brought against me are completely unlawful and groundless. One might ask why? Because,
You may wonder then why I was arrested. Let’s pay attention to the projects examined by the investigators and covered by the indictment:
Rasul Jafarov
Baku Pre-Trial Detention Center (Kurdakhani settlement)
14 August 2014